lunedì 25 aprile 2011

Fiume Nera (Italy)

The Nera River (length Km.116; sq km basin 4280) runs along the Umbria-Marche Apennines from Visso (south-west) to Terni, where he continued his journey to Narni and then merge from the left in the Tiber ( Orte-Viterbo).During its length meets 14 municipalities belonging to the provinces of Macerata, Perugia, Terni, Viterbo.The most important tributary is the Velino, along about Km.90, which, together with the Middle Black Channel, is expanding to create the Lake Piediluco, artificial reservoir very recently estimated for the characteristic fishing whitefish, which is the same Velino joining the Black with a jump of mt.165 creates the famous waterfalls Marmore.Throughout its course the Black takes on different aspects, creating innummerevoli and beautiful paintings framed by a wild Valnerina. Its water oxygenated and clean thanks to the many karst springs that belong to him, purifying it, are the ideal habitat for trout and its inseparable Fario ecosystem, which of course includes all the insects that create the food chain of trout, and that the number of hatched and variety of species, the Black River are one of the most important "gyms" of fly fishing.From the long list of insects can be found in this river we extrapolate those most profitable for a very lucrative fishing Fario:BAETIS Rhodan (DIVA: all year round. Characteristic of fast and turbulent rivers.ODONTOCERUM ALBICORNE: May to October. Present in almost all of Italy and easy to find in all climatic and environmental situations.Mayfly (or Mayfly: its period is of course from May to June. And 'the bug that characterizes most of the Black for fly fishing, because the pet food Fario.EPHEMERA VULGAR: traluglio inhabits the Black and August. It is located mainly in parts of the Black, whose waters are rich in sand and vegetation, and fishing with his imitation of the corner you have to work lapping the shore with small throws curves.Ephemerella Ignite (ex Serratelli IGNITE: The period is from November to April. He lives very well in the rivers.ECDYONURUS VENOSUS: Present between May and October. Insect very special, loved by entomologists. Its flicker occurs at sunset, but with colder weather even in broad daylight and sunny at times (though not a favorite food of trout from Black).PEARL GRANDIS: is between May and August. Common in Black, but as in all of Italy, is renowned for its large size.

Location: No-kill Borgo Cerreto
Short description:
The no-kill Borgo Cerreto includes the stretch from the town to Piedipaterno.
Maintained by Legambiente and the Province of Perugia, is about long Km.9.
The daily attendance is limited to 25 anglers for the entire tract to specific regulation, divided into 12 in the "upstream"and 13 in the areas "B" and "downstream. " The day of fishing is to be spent entirely in the section reserved with regard to the area "upstream ", while travel is allowed between the sector "B" and the area of ​​"downstream ".
You can reserve only one day of fishing at a time and the next not received before the previous one.
E'consentita booking more 'fishing days provided they are consecutive loro.Per among foreigners there are obvious benefits that affect the reservations. The management cosi'impostata e'studiata with avant-garde criteria attached to ensure the tourist-angler optimum condition of the river, given by the sparse presence of water in diving suits, and a consequent optimization dell'attivita'sportiva concerned. The rest day is on Tuesdays except where it falls on a holiday. The costs are € 15.00 per day, or 80.00 for 10 issues. For reservations call us at 0743 \ 91221 and to withdraw permission to travel infopoint Legambiente Valnerina open in the mornings from 8 to 11:30 am and the afternoon from 15 to 17.

Location: No-kill Ferentillo
Short description:
The no-kill Ferentillo is the natural habit of the brown trout. Here the man's hand is almost completely absent and we can say that the fascinating feature that distinguishes it is that of his being wild and untouched. The fisherman who tries to confront Large individuals were difficult to mistrust and selectivity has found his field of battle.
The part we're talking about is one that runs from 1.5 km downstream of the picturesque village of Macenano one kilometer upstream from the border with the Province of Terni to Perugia.
The permit for the no-kill Ferentillo costs 10 (the day) and 50 (out of 15) and is issued by the Government and the shops charge to do so.
Day standstill on Thursday.

For any information, contact me !!

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